Monster Drawing Rally
Annual Monster Drawing Rally (MDR) at the 1708 Gallery, Richmond, VA. An amazing fundraising event for an amazing non-profit...

Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles
It's an ugly piece of American History- but a really important one close to my heart and my studio research. This museum housed...

VMFA opening
I was honored to be one of the chosen few out of Virginia Museum of Fine Arts fellowship recipients to exhibit at the Workhouse Arts...

Fellowship at the Vermont Studio Center
I received a 1-month fellowship to attend the Vermont Studio Center in 2018. Due to my work schedule, I could only attend for 2-weeks but...

Bronze casting at UofR (swimming in my space suit.)
Oldies but goodies- I assisted in a bronze pour demonstration at the University of Richmond. I look like a chipmunk in a giant suit. Full...

Artnet named "CAST" #1 in "15 Most Beautiful Art Coffee Table Books Published This Ye
Honored to be published in this beautiful book along side my good friend Lisa Zerkowitz. (Literally our images face each other in the...

Smack Mellon, Brooklyn, NY
I was invited to exhibit at Smack Mellon, Brooklyn NY (amazing curator Gabriel de Guzman) for "Uproot" exhibition. It was my first time...

Immigration Project June-Aug 2017
I am honored to have received funding and studio space to work at the 1708 Gallery (Richmond, VA) for three month to complete "Drifting...

Slip Casting with Heather McCalla
I had an opportunity to sit in on Heather McCalla's special topics: slip casting class at VCU. Sooo FUN! I have to say that mold making...

Go team VCU GLASS- GAS 2016
What's so great about GAS (Glass Art Society) conference? Friends, alum, future grads and seeing your friends art on display. It's...